Analysis of Media Representation - Men as unintelligent
Example #1, Miller Lite's Square Table
In these Miller Liter commercials, several men sit around a square table discussing what should be made into “man law.” The men represented are men’s men – Burt Reynolds, a cowboy, a professional football player, etc. What they are discussing are trivial things such as whether or not to clink bottles at the top of the bottle or at the bottom of the bottle. This example highlights the insignificant points that are strenuously pondered over at the square table. This portrays men as unintelligent beings concerned with shallow points – as though they have nothing else on which to exert their mental energy. In addition, this particular example also portrays men as homophobic, since their final decision to tap bottoms was a result of realizing that tapping tops was too close to kissing another man. One man, shown as straining to comprehend, sees and up-close shot of two bottle tops touching and declares that “our saliva is touching.” Burt then says, “that’s technically kissing. Why don’t we touch bottoms?” The cowboy now has a problem with that and says, “Hey Hollywood, I’m not into touching bottoms,” with a look of disgust on his face. Burt, obviously the brains here, has to clarify that he means the bottle bottoms.
1 comment:
Kerry-My house is super male oriented - I'm the only female - and the other day the guys made a decision to do something that I wasn't sure they should do. "Hey" I said, "How does that work that you guys get to decide that?" Out of the mouth of my 11 year comes, "Mom, it's man law!" I just about fell on the floor I was laughing so loud. I guess you can lump my guys in the dumb man club!
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