Monday, December 04, 2006

Incorporating Film into Class:

I think it would be neat, fun, and educational to study Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and the film Apocalypse Now. As a starting point, I would have the students search for simalirities and differences. However, I would also like to point out aspects that have the same meaning in both the film and the book, but use different objects or narrative techniques to portray that meaning.

Students could also come up with their own way to show the meaning they gleaned from the text. I like the idea that the film is a modern telling of the novel. In addition, there are tons of historical aspects from both the film and the book that would be interesting to discuss.


sspeicher said...

Great idea, Kerry! I love the movie and especially love Marlon Brando in it. I really like the idea of mixing media to help students connect with text and make the text more meaningful.

Kari said...

We did this in my college in the schools modern fiction class my senior year of HS. We got really into it and realised how difficult it is to adapt the story to film

Kari said...

We did this in my Col in the schools Modern fiction class. It was cool because we really got into how difficult the book was to represent on film.